Raw/ProRes option on aerial videos and timelapses

Find and buy aerial footage or timelapses shot natively in Raw or ProRes


Looking for Aerial Footage and Timelapses shot in Raw or ProRes for your high-end productions ?

Starting now, several thousands of aerial videos and timelapses are available, on option, as Raw or ProRes files, in addition to the traditional clip delivered in H264/265!

Indeed, several aerial artists shoot with heavier gears than other UAV pilots or videographers, and can optionally deliver the native file in RAW and/or ProRes.

Just tick the corresponding box when you place your order. For the H264/265 codec version, as usual you will immediately receive the link to download it. For the Raw/ProRes file purchased as an option, you will have to wait 24 to 48 hours (or more) for us to provide it to you separately.

Available options with this image

Find in this dedicated gallery all the aerial videos and timelapses available either in ProRes or RAW (see the icon on the thumbnail).

To search for them easily, just add one of these keywords to your search or simply click on one of the thumbnails below!

We hope that this service will enable our most demanding clients to find the perfect image at the right video codec for their audiovisual production (Cinema, Advertising, Prestige Corporate, Documentary films, etc...).

Icon ProRes

Icon RAW


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Week 11 UK